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The Tools

Practice Excellence Monitor


Gain knowledge, insights and benchmarking on the health of your practice so you can strategically and confidently optimize it for success.

The Practice Excellence Monitor


  • Provides deep insight into the strengths and weaknesses of your practice enabling you to make informed decisions around improvements

  • Benchmarks your practice against thousands of other advisory practices showing you how the performance of your practice stacks up against the competition.

Our report covers 32 areas across Five Key Business Elements:


your clients and how you work with them

Business Management

process, planning and structure


perception and reality


your team and technology

Performance Indicators

the numbers of your business

greeneLINK – LinkedIn 2.0 Training

It is not a question of if you do it, but how well you do it.  Our commitment is to ensure you are equipped with easy, concise ways to improve engagement via a compliance approved platform with existing clients and new potential clients.  


The crossroads of success is leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create human engagement. Leveraging Social Engagement Tools such as LinkedIn will... 

  • Create presence in your absence: In today’s world presence is a placeholder for opportunity; LinkedIn can capture and maintain consistent mindshare.   

  • Increase relationship value quickly:  Most sales are predicated on the relationship;  LinkedIn provides an advantage for clients and prospects get to know “you” and enhance connectivity. 

  • Make the algorithm work for “you”: By engaging with the tool daily, the LinkedIn algorithm will improve your ongoing engagement success; the more personalized the engagement the better. 

  • Simplify perceived complexity:  It’s EASY!   


To provide a comprehensive perspective we incorporate assessments as part of our engagement.  Designed for individuals, teams or organizations. 


This assessment is foundational to optimizing performance, helping you capitalize on your strengths and leveraging the strengths of those around you.  The DISC model defines and interprets our behavioral styles, which can influence how others see and react to us.  Having awareness and being mindful of our behavioral style can help us consciously evolve to allow for more successful outcomes.

Motivators depict our personal beliefs around what matters most, what we value versus judge, and drive our decision making.  By going deeper to understand our individual definitions of success we can improve how we interact and understand others.

Position Profile

Completing this profile assessment enhances productive communication and alignment of expectations between employee and leader, and helps leaders clarify qualifications for newly created or defined roles.


The Enneagram assessment is designed to provide a deeper level of self-awareness through a comprehensive report that helps you better understand your unique patterns of thinking, feeling and doing.  It also helps you identify your blind spots, worldview, gifts and challenges.  By revealing these aspects of our personality and motivations for our behavior, we are able to better understand ourselves as well as those around us.  

AQ (Adaptability Quotient)


Adaptability and resilience is rated the No.1 most important skill by L&D professionals based on a 2021 LinkedIn Workplace Survey.  The lack of adaptability costs businesses $19.8B per year in HR, according to PWC.  This assessment serves to inspire & empower every human with the skills to adapt and thrive, ensuring no-one is left behind in the fastest period of change in history by transforming the way employees, teams and organizations thrive in change.  Protect your organization from disruption - upgrade your organization’s adaptability performance with detailed metrics, benchmarking and coaching support.

Working Genius 


Working Genius helps people discover their natural gifts to thrive in their work and life.  Being able to identify which of the 6 types of Working Genius bring you greater energy and fulfillment, you can leverage these insights to improve your engagement and productivity.

Communication/Presentation Skills

Elevate your engagement with your team and your clients through the power of communication.

Personal & Leadership Development

Increase your self-awareness and improve interpersonal relationships and influence.

Elements Consulting, LLC

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